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The Frank Lyman Collection is inspired by the daring, confident and unforgettable woman. Without claiming to be perfect, she embraces herself, adopts her own style and wears it with confidence. She is not defined by her age, rather by her charisma. Her fashion embraces her curves and her pace of life. Her clothes are at the same time comfortable, fit and practical, but just as fanciful, because everything is played in the details. 

Lyman is an unmistakably chic collection designed for those occasions when you want to shine. The woman who chooses to wear this collection proudly understands her strengths and shows her breathtaking style. It attracts attention with a confident audacity.

Woman with long curly brown hair sitting on couch with left hand placed on upper thigh. Wearing Black dimante tights and black jumper with dimante feature on both shoulders.
Woman with curly brown hair standing with left hand placed on hip. Wearing black dress with white print on bodice and sleeves and black strappy stiletto heels.
Woman with long black hair wearing navy dress with ruffle sleeves at elbow length and navy shimmery floral print
Woman with black curly hair wearing white and black rose print, button up jacket and black trousers.
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